Payments and Receovemwents: document viewer.
Dish Type and Ingredient Type now can be ordered.
Character caounter for Dish and Product short description.
Better visualization of inclusion and editing field errors.
Correction of several minor bugs.
v0.12.0 - Sep 3rd, 2021
Dish and products editing screens completely redesigned, with attributes for introducing dimensions,
weigth, suggested price, SKU and GTIN.
Dish abd products with basic inventory management.
Dish pictures visualized when making and editing an order.
CRM sending action screens with a weekly and monthly calendar view.
Coupon printing following the menu order.
Fixed lack of scrolling in the client creation modal when creating a client in an order.
v0.11.0 - Aug 11th, 2021
Digital and print menus. Digital menus can be publish openly via a menu link
Menus can be sent by email.
CRM module: Client segmentation in groups, email campaigns and email templates
Consolidated orders print form for both A$ and thermal printer formats
Plan of accounts moved to settings.
New privacy and terms of service.
Several overall small usability improvements.
Error message fix when saving client addresses.
v0.10.0 - Jun 24th, 2021
Sales reports: daily, monthly and annually.
Commercial dashboard.
Stripe payments integration.
Order status translation and ordering.
Better line break in addresses in printing forms.
Increased pagination for Order processing
Fix photos exclusion in dishes
Error message in orders when no payment mode selected.
Fix orders ordering in index page when all items selected.
Small fixes in order, receivements, process orders and my profile.
Fix authorization policy for settings pages.
v0.9.0 - Apr 1st, 2021
Advanced authorization mode introduced.
v0.8.0 - Mar 15th, 2021
Process orders printing has now 4 different ouputs: Client coupon, with full order detail;
Kitchen with individual order;
Kitchen with orders grouped and summarized by dish; and the expedition coupon.
Removed the chart account asssociation to a payment mode for debits.
Sales channels are now associated to Services. When creating/editing an order only the associated sales channels can be included in the order.
Processing order screen now have summary table and graph for the orders.
Finanças/contas bancárias/editar: Em editar contas bancárias aparece como título "Editando Plano de contas" substituir por "Editando Contas Bancárias".
v0.7.0 - Mar 3rd, 2021
Delivery taxes module: delivery taxes can be configures by the location(address) of the client,
using zones defined up to the level of neighbourhood
New behavior in the menu editing screen: the service can be changed.
New feature: Now menus begin and end dates can be defined also with time.
Improved printing options.
Users can select languade and locale region whe creating a new workspace, and the default data is loaded to the target idiom.
Printing break with over 3 lines dish name.
v0.6.3 - Jan 26th, 2021
Prints can now handle bigger sizes titles.
Google places api working for multiple adresses.
v0.6.2 - Jan 21th, 2021
Menu management: changed behavior when adding a new menu and fix return messages.
v0.6.1 - Jan 16th, 2021
Improved dish photo visualization.
Menu editing loading the correct previous menu.
Menu preview loading the correct menu template.
v0.6.0 - Dec 24th, 2020
Orders visualization layout optimized to print.
Custom session timeout in each workspace.
v0.5.2 - Dec 21th, 2020
Improved expedition print layout.
v0.5.1 - Dec 18th, 2020
Print coupon layout to 40 columns.
v0.5.0 - Dec 18th, 2020
Dishes and products.
Dishes with multiple pictures.
Printing orders to kitchen and delivery(expedition).
Print parameters for each workspace, including personalized logo, header and foot notes when printing coupons.
v0.4.0 - Dec 15th, 2020
Client and Supplier batch import using xlx/xlsx files.
v0.3.2 - Dec 11th, 2020
Fix supplier tax_id display.
v0.3.1 - Dec 8th, 2020
Chart accounts better visualization and uploads are allowed once.
Display mode translations at menu management.
Display mode was not showing in the view action for menu managment.
v0.3.0 - Dec 2nd, 2020
Credit accounts: Receivements.
Receive payments from orders.
Cash register management.
Receive payments on cash register.
Orders can be print on 80 column thermal printers.
Orders can be print on 80 column thermal printers.
v0.2.0 - Oct 24th, 2020
Chart of accounts management.
Debit accounts: Payments.
Cost centers for for payments/expenses.
Bank accounts management.
Payment modes now can be applied for both debits and credits.
Suppliers management.
Translations to brazilian portuguese.
v0.1.2 - Sep 24th, 2020
Upgraded Redis connector to 4.2.2
v0.1.1 - Sep 24th, 2020
Upgraded Sidekiq to version 6.1.2 to fix deprecation log messages from Redis.
v0.1.0 - Jul 23rd, 2020
Menu editing usability improvement.
Order processing: free workflow.
Order registration usability improvement.
Minor error corrections.
v0.0.0 - May 5th, 2020
Started counting!
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